Equipping managers with the core skills to have more effective conversations

Performance management, well-being, career development, coaching, giving difficult feedback. These are all conversations managers are expected to be good at. Unfortunately not all managers are. 

Conversations are based on a distinct set of skills and attitudes – and some people are clearly much more effective than others. Our courses introduces participants to ‘The 5 SuperSkills of Great Conversations™’ and allows them to develop personal actions plans to better lead and engage in effective workplace conversations.

The 5 SuperSkills of Great Conversations

The good news is that all conversations are underpinned by a set of core skills, the so-called SuperSkills, and these are skills can be learned. So an investment in equipping managers with these core skills will improve the multiple conversations they have every day,


Maintaining undivided attention, really being there for the other person


Self-awareness of your biases, beliefs and emotional triggers


Drawing out what the other person is really saying


Expressing your views with courage and conviction in a way that is constructive

Flow control

Managing conversations so that it flows well and results in clear outcomes

Start your conversation journey

Conversations through the lens of personality

How we talk to each other is based on our skills… but also on our personality. So we focus on both in our programmes. Our workshops start with our unique Facet5 SuperSkills Insights report, which show participants how they are likely to show up in conversation against the 5 SuperSkills, based on their personality. Developed in conjunction with Facet5, one of the world’s leading providers of personality assessment, this personalised reports highlights areas where participants can improve their skills. 

Click here to download a sample report.

Focused on specific conversations

Our workshops focus on the core SuperSkills that underpin all conversations managers have, but we also deliver tailored workshops focused on specific conversations - including Performance Management, Difficult Conversations, Well-being, Career Development, Team Conversations, Giving Feedback etc..

An investment in the SuperSkills is an investment in improving all the conversations managers need to be skilled at..

Delivered in a format that suits you

We design and deliver our courses in formats that suit you, be that one-day workshops, bite-sized chunks, or on-line.

We can also equip your in-house team to deliver our materials via our rigorous Train-the-Trainer programme..

The choice is yours.

Supported by the Conversation Guru

We know full well that most people do not remember everything they learn in a workshop and that they need to be reminded and ‘nudged’ afterwards. So all our workshops are supported by the Conversation Guru, a comprehensive online resource to help managers to successfully embed the SuperSkills into new behaviours at work.  

"A massive thank you for the session you ran for our Area Managers. All of the team have said how much they enjoyed it and how it really has got them thinking about how they lead their teams. "
Ross Monaghan
Head of Retail, Joules
"The ‘Great Conversations’ course was the best and most valuable course I have attended in all my time here at Which?"
Alex Hayman
Director Legal Services at Which?
"A brilliant and though provoking workshop. Loved it."
Philip Gladman
Chief Marketing Officer, William Grant and Sons

If you would like to find out more, let's start a conversation

Get in touch
or call at +44 (0)788 765 1988